Tandem Hang Gliding

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starting at $199

Discovery 2000' Tandem Lessons
  • 2000ft - $199
Mile High Tandem Lessons
  • Mile High - $399
Pilot Packages (per person)
  • 3-Lesson Tandem Pkg - $450
  • 15 Flight Hang 2 Pkg - $1995
  • Accelerated Hang 2 Pkg - $3000

There is nothing like it…Tandem hang gliding will be one of the most exciting experiences of your life. Fly to altitudes of 2000ft or higher with a certified hang gliding instructor from our flight park at the Cotton Gin in Jarvisburg, NC.

Cotton Gin Flight Flight Park || April – September

Fly to altitudes of 2,000 feet or higher with a certified instructor from our Currituck County flight park. The views of Currituck Sound, the ocean, and the surrounding countryside are breathtaking from these altitudes.

Once released from the tow plane, the only sounds are from you, the instructor, and the wind flowing around you. These elements, combined with stalls, dives, and turns are sure to make tandem hang gliding the most exciting and memorable experience of your stay on the Outer Banks.

In tandem hang gliding, the student and instructor are hooked into the glider together. The glider is designed specifically for tandems with a larger wing area for more lift and tricycle landing gear to simplify takeoffs and landings. An ultralight plane tows you to altitude, the glider is released, then you and your instructor glide back to the airport where you land like a plane.

No prior hang gliding experience necessary!

A big thank you to Alex Perry and the Currituck Visitors Bureau for their help with the 360 film!

360 of Hang Gliding in Currituck Outer Banks from Alex Perry.

(~10-15 min flight)

The tandem lesson is the most state-of-the-art training available, and perfect for students who want to get an overall perspective of hang gliding with a bird’s eye view of the coastline above the Currituck Sound. Minimum Age: 14 Years old


(~25-30 min flight)

This is the ultimate tandem hang gliding tow at 5,280 feet! The tandem lesson is the most state-of-the-art training available, and perfect for students who want to get an overall perspective of hang gliding. Minimum Age: 14 Years Old


Whether you have zero experience or you need to work on your spot landings, the instructors at Kitty Hawk Kites can help you achieve your goal. Kitty Hawk Kites boasts diverse training facilities in North Carolina and New Hampshire that are ideal locations for learning and honing your skills as a pilot. We hope that you’ll come learn to fly with us soon!


Tandem Hang Gliding FAA Training Resources

USHPA 150x150 - Tandem Hang Gliding

Tandem Hang Gliding FAA Training Resources

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